Ferrofluid Application Research Goes Orbital
With our new ferrofluid project FARGO (Ferrofluid Application Research Goes Orbital), we successfully qualified at the DLR’s “Überflieger 2” selection workshop. As one of four selected projects, we were able to operate FARGO on the ISS starting in early 2023!
The experiment is divided into three sub-experiments: two types of switches, an electrical switch and a thermal switch, as well as an attitude control concept. All three experiments utilize ferrofluids, which are liquids composed of a carrier fluid—typically an oil—suspended with coated magnetic particles.
Ferrofluid research has a long-standing tradition at KSat. With our PAPELL experiment (Pump Application using Pulsed Electromagnets for Liquid Relocation), we already succeeded in the “Überflieger 1” competition, demonstrating the foundation of a ferrofluid-based pump technology on the ISS in 2018. To investigate the effects and applications under realistic space conditions, ferrofluid applications are being further developed as part of the KSat project for the ISS mission. A dedicated team of 21 members has been formed for this purpose, supported by two doctoral students from the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) at the University of Stuttgart.
Our experiments
Thermal Switch
The harsh conditions of space are characterized by extreme temperature differences. While extreme heat can develop on the sun-facing side of satellite surfaces, the opposite is true on the shadow side. The resulting irregular heat flow—varying in time, location, and direction—leads to temperature peaks and gradients that can affect the performance, functionality, and reliability of the system, as these stresses must be accounted for. With our developed thermal switch, these thermal loads are actively managed through the manipulation of ferrofluids.
Electrical Switch
Mechanical components are particularly problematic in space applications due to their susceptibility to wear and tear. Repairs or replacements are only possible under challenging conditions and are usually associated with very high costs. Developing an electrical switch without mechanically moving parts, capable of handling higher loads compared to transistors, could represent a significant advancement for long-term missions. The electrical switch we developed is designed to be tested with various loads on the ISS and verified for this environment.
The idea behind developing an innovative attitude control component is to reduce the use of wear-prone parts. The attitude control component (reaction wheel) is based on the operating principle of a BLDC motor (brushless direct current motor). The stator equipped with coils is retained, but the rotor consists of a heterogeneous system of ferrofluid and a secondary fluid. The goal is to create a uniform motion of the ferrofluid by precisely controlling the coils. The ferrofluid transfers the angular momentum to the secondary fluid, which stores it due to its inertia.
Überflieger 2
With Überflieger 2, the German Aerospace Centre DLR and the Luxembourg Space Agency LSA provided students the opportunity to conduct their own experiments aboard the International Space Station ISS. The competition began in 2021 with a call for experiment ideas, and after selecting the winning teams in December of that year, they were given a year to turn their concepts into functional space experiments. On 15 March 2023, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched four selected projects from Cape Canaveral to the ISS.
The experiments ran fully automated for 30 days in the so-called Tango Lab of the Destiny module, allowing teams to make remote adjustments and receive their data for later analysis.
The four experiments explored various fields: alongside FARGO, ADDONISS from the Technical University of Munich focused on brain cells and their changes under microgravity, while BRAINS from the University of Luxembourg investigated the growth of 3D cell cultures, and Glücksklee from Leibniz University of Hannover examined plant growth and its symbiotic relationship with bacteria in a weightless environment.
Überflieger 2 thus offered students a unique practical experience in aerospace while demonstrating how swiftly and efficiently university research can make its leap into space.
“On the ISS, cutting-edge research is conducted with hundreds of experiments across various disciplines. And now you have the opportunity to be part of it!”
Call for Proposals: Überflieger 2
As part of Matthias Maurer's ISS stay, four student teams—three from Germany and one from Luxembourg—were given the opportunity to conduct experiments on the International Space Station (ISS).
Proposal Submission
Building on our experiences from the previous PAPELL project and after numerous discussions, workshops, and meetings, our proposal for an experiment in the Überflieger 2 program was finalized. After an initial selection, we were invited to present our project to the German Space Agency at DLR and ultimately succeeded against our competitors. The path to the ISS had begun!
PDR (Preliminary Design Review)
By the time we reached the PDR, the layout of the experiments within the FARGO box was already established. Minor adjustments to the experiments followed during a very successful review to ensure the smooth operation of the experiments in orbit.
CDR (Critical Design Review)
The CDR marked the project's design freeze: no further changes to the design were allowed from this point onward. Testing and verifying the stated requirements became the main focus from then on.
FRR (Flight Readiness Review)
During the Flight Readiness Review, FARGO's flight readiness was evaluated one final time. After a successful review, it was time to declare: Ready for launch!
Up we go! In March 2023, the FARGO team finally witnessed the launch live at Cape Canaveral. FARGO was successfully delivered to the ISS aboard the SpaceX resupply mission CRS-27.
More about this topic
Ferrofluids are fascinating materials composed of tiny magnetic particles suspended in a liquid. These particles are often made of iron or iron oxides and are typically only a few nanometers in size. The unique property of ferrofluids lies in their response to magnetic fields. When an external magnetic field is applied, the magnetic particles align and create impressive visual effects, ranging from waves to sharp structures.
The discovery of ferrofluids dates back to the 1960s, when they were originally developed for use in space exploration. The idea was to stabilize fluids in gyroscopes used in satellites. Since then, their range of applications has expanded significantly. Today, ferrofluids are used in technology, medicine, and art.
In technology, ferrofluids are often used in seals and speakers to control vibrations and reduce noise levels. In medicine, they could be utilized for targeted drug delivery, concentrating in specific areas of the body in response to magnetic fields. This could potentially facilitate the treatment of tumors by delivering medications directly to the affected cells.
We are looking for you!
Has FARGO sparked your interest? We are always looking for new members!
Whether you’re just starting your first semester or are already a spaceflight expert, and no matter what you’re studying: We can find an exciting position for everyone in our team. All of our projects are organized into subsystems, each responsible for different areas. If you already know what you’re interested in, feel free to contact us!
Participation in FARGO is no longer possible due to the completion of the project, but there are always follow-up projects where you can jump in fresh.
FARGO subsystems
Project lead
Our all-rounders who keep the project together. Here, deadlines are monitored, communication is managed, and team events are organized. Experienced club members create the framework for a successful project.
The development, testing, and construction of the switches and the ACS are the responsibilities of the science team. We must always communicate with the other subsystems to define requirements and stay within the technically feasible limits.
If FARGO were to fall apart during launch, much work would have been in vain. To prevent this, the Mechanics team designs the structure of our experiment to meet various requirements, such as strength, tightness, and ease of assembly.
Here, the electronic design of the individual experiments and the overall system is carried out. On custom-designed circuit boards, everything from power supply and experiment control to data communication and storage is implemented.
Both on our main computer and on our experiment boards, software runs to ensure the operation and communication of the experiments. The team must address the unique challenges of an ISS mission – if the software doesn’t work, the project doesn’t work.
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